Saturday, August 30, 2014


This blog was created and maintained by Austin Harball.

I am Austin Harball, a sophomore undergraduate in the school of Business at the University of Colorado at Denver. I was born in Colorado and have lived here almost my entire life. This is my blog about the Badlands of South Dakota.

I chose The Badlands because it is a completely new and unique geographical landscape to me, somewhere I've never been but have always wanted to visit. This landscape is unique to me because it is unlike any Colorado environment. The Badlands is like a wall of cliffs that extends hundreds of miles through the plains of South Dakota with its huge ridges and low lying valleys carved out by water over the last half million years. It is one of the worlds richest deposits of mammal fossil beds and is home today to many animals including bison and bighorn sheep. This sparks my interest as an environment not quite like any I've ever seen before, and one I am eager to learn in depth about.

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